Thursday, October 20, 2005

Primordial Blogger

The thought came to me today, that I am in the company, as I write my daily blog, with a person I greatly admire. Eleanor Roosevelt, as first lady of the country, wrote a daily column of at least 500 words, 6 days a week, for twenty-six years, from 1936-1962. This column was called "My Day" and it covered topics from gardening at her cottage to formal receptions for foreign dignitaries. I feel this merits her with the title, Primordial Blogger. In reading many of her entries, the time-span they cover ranges from the heart of the Depression, thru a World War, the re-establishment of peace and economy, and the development of the United Nations, for which she served as a delegate and chair of the Committee on Human Rights. Eleanor Roosevelt was a champion for the "underdog". A cause that she considered right, deserved to be heard, and she had the connections to make sure it was. Her Motto was "No one can make you feel inferior, unless you allow them to do so". Her Blogs celebrate triumphs large and small; and express sorrow, personal and global. I have no illusion my essays could compare in any way to hers, but it is an honor to have some kinship with a sister, in the attempt.
To learn more about her life or to read her columns, use my link to the public library system and order one or more books on-line which you can pick up as soon as they come into your local library.


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