Monday, October 24, 2005

Passionate Tribute to... Movies

I Love going to the Movies! Not any movie, but most. I love the previews, the music, seeing the city or location the movie takes place in; a kind of travelogue, and the costumes, if vintage, or clothing styles if current. My perfect movie experience is achieved usually at a matinee, on a weekday. The cost is less and frequently, if I wait until the premier of a new release is past, the attendance is lower. This way I can enter the theater and find I am the only one present. I select my seat in the second or third row from the top and sit in the exact center seat. Now I wait to see if my "private" showing will last. Sometimes another person or two arrives and that's OK, but ideally, I will remain the solo viewer. I feel like a Queen! An entire movie played just for my enjoyment! Before long, I am involved in the story, and if the movie is good enough, I become totally engrossed in the story, characters, setting, and outcome. I am released from any care, worry, concern, responsibility, obligation for generally 2 hours. Any thoughts I may have come in with, are set aside for the length of the movie. I had such an experience today! It was Wonderful! Instead of dwelling on my problems, I struggled along with the characters, to the resolution of their problems. Upon leaving the show, I achieve a new perspective. The small break from my concerns' alters my point of view. Now I approach them with thoughts of, tomorrow is another day, things will work out, it's always darkest before the dawn, things will look better in the morning, etc. So, I wait and see if I can come up with solutions, resolutions and an understanding that there probably is a reason for the things that happen, even if I can't understand it or know the meaning of it now. All this for about $6.00!


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