Saturday, October 29, 2005

Passionate Tribute to...Old World WI

Everyone should have some special places they love to go to. My favorite place is Old World WI. There are so many things I Love about it, it will hard to mention them all. First I love the name of the city it is nearest to, Eagle. As I go through the front gate and drive down the winding tree lined road to the parking area, I can feel relaxation encompass me. Crossing over to the entrance I discover the first of the sight, sound, smell experiences that surround me. The soft sandy ground is lightly covered in fragrant pine needles and cones. I enter and head for the Clausing Barn which has a restaurant in the lower level. I have tried many items from their menu, but most often I have a bowl of soup, my favorite is the cheeseburger which is served in the Spring and Fall. I love to eat outside and am often visited by a cat who might be interested in a snack. We finish our lunch and I head for the gift shop that has a wide variety of unique items. I take the stairs down to the small theater where I have a seat, generally once a year, and enjoy the tour of the grounds. Next I head outside to catch the Tram, which takes me to the Village. Often there are special activities planned for the day, so I try to coordinate my visit to be in the right place at the right time to enjoy them. From the Village the Tram will take me to each Ethnic area; African-American, German, Polish, then Finnish, Danish and Norwegian.

I can't really say I have a favorite area or house, there are so many parts I like about each one, but if you get off the Tram at the Finnish area and visit the Rankinen Farm, you will find the beginning of my favorite trail, the Pine Plantation Trail. Follow it until you reach the center of the Red Pines, there will be 2 benches to rest on. From here you can see down the path in both directions, now just sit silently and listen. With luck you will have come on a day there is a breeze, now look up at the trees and in the insulated area of this small forest, you can hear the trees crack while they sway in the wind. Continue down the path, cross the road and you will end up at the Pederson Farm in the Danish area. Next follow the path up the hill and next to the fence and you will be on the Prairie Remnant Trail. This is where I had a butterfly land on my hand. It was very cool! This is also where the Surprise Loop Trail is, but that will remain a surprise. At the end you come out near the Fossebrekke Farm in the Norwegian area. OWW has 12 trails to explore.

Along with the nature sights, there are animal sights also. Today I spotted 3 wild turkeys sitting on a fence, when I crept closer to take a picture, I found more, there was a total of 10 all together hidden in a wooded area behind the fence. Later 3 pheasants were crossing the road. This of course is besides the normal vintage farm animal breeds on the grounds during the season.

Another coincidence gives the place an air of authenticity. While you are strolling around the grounds, occasionally you will hear gun shots. You may wonder if a neighbor is hunting, but actually there is a police firing range in the area, but the sound adds to the ambiance.

Other enjoyable moments include the warmth and aroma from the woodburning stoves in each house. The smell of food cooking in each house; bread, cake, pie, fried potatoes and onions, pork and cabbage, apples, rhubarb, each in season and often fresh from the gardens on the homesites. Then there is the hand crafts, quilting, sewing, needlework, spinning and weaving and household and farm chores, soapmaking, candle making, wool dyeing, butchering, thatching, planting, harvesting, blacksmithing, etc. All with costumed interpreters to educate and present historical facts about the time period and history of the homes and families.

New this year is the formation of a vintage baseball team, wearing vintage clothing, vintage equipment, and playing by vintage rules to the 1800's. Very exciting and enjoyable!

All together this place created the perfect place to spend a day in a relaxed atmosphere. I myself would truly Love to just live here. To go back in time and feel some of how it felt to be dependent on yourself and your family to survive. I know I would want modern amenities, but just for a while, I would Love to give it a try!


At Monday, October 31, 2005, Blogger ARC said...

Give me mosquito netting and a laptop and I'll join you.


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