Thursday, November 03, 2005

Cosmic Wheel of Fortune

One of the things I Love / Hate about life is it's unpredictability! The seemingly random twists of fate that alter your life. It seems you go along just trying to get by each day the best you can, greeting each dawn with the hope and expectation that it will be a good day; and maybe you might make someone else's day a little better as well. With luck or a little planning, you have something special to look forward to, but most often, each day goes on pretty much just like the last, and that's when it happens! All of a sudden, something great happens, or something awful!

If it's great, you celebrate, and think, wow, this should happen everyday! If it's awful, you say why me, I'm a good person, I try to do the right thing, how did I deserve this? Why do awful things have to happen anyway? Now here is where it gets weird, when you try to explain it, some call it luck, chance, random circumstances, or God's plan. Whatever it's called, doesn't it sometimes seem like someone is up there with a big wheel of fortune, spinning for you. This time it's something great, the next time horrible. So the question then becomes, is it better to just go along with dull routine everyday, or the highs and lows in random order? And there is more to consider, could it be that the great things that happen are only great because we appreciate it more by comparison; that without the bad, the good wouldn't be so special?

Now this still doesn't explain why some very good people seem to get more that their share of the bad, and others less deserving, seem only to get the good. All I know is that I am really happy when, in the midst of an ordinary average day, my spirits are lifted, sometimes by even the smallest thing, that brings a smile to my face; and the good feeling lasts the whole rest of the day! So whenever you feel kind of down, when nothing particularly exciting is going on, and it's been a long time since something wonderful has happened, remember this; a change could be just around the corner, at any moment, just be patient and ready to rejoice when it comes!


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