Saturday, January 28, 2006

Too Much CSI ?

Yesterday when I talked to Laura, she told me they were having furnace problems at Todd's. They weren't sure if it was working or not, but the repair man was coming today to take a look at it and last night they might not have any heat. So I go to bed looking forward to a restful night's sleep and I hope it won't be too cold a night for them.

At 3:30am I wake up, and a thought floats past my mind: Furnace not working properly, older home, sleeping people - Carbon Monoxide!!!

I am instantly wide awake, and jump out of bed! What should I do? Call Laura to see if everything is OK? No, I'm being silly, I'll just wake everyone up, but working in a medical laboratory, I know we have cases at least 2 - 3 times a year of Carbon Monoxide poisoning, I do the testing!

Do they have a Carbon Monoxide detector? I don't know? I'll call. I know she keeps her phone on all night. She should hear the call. What if she doesn't answer? Do I assume she didn't hear the phone? Do I panic that she is unconscious? I envision people in bed, innocently breathing, sucking in toxic fumes! If she doesn't answer the first call, I'll leave a message, then call back right away, thinking that the first call might wake her up enough to hear the second call. Sully, is looking at me like, what's up? We are both on high alert! Why didn't I think about asking her if they had a detector when she told me? Then I wouldn't be sitting here in the middle of the night discussing my plan with the dog!

He says, Go Ahead, Call. So I do, 3 rings later she answers, Hello? I'ts me, I say, everything is OK. I got thinking about the furnace and Carbon Monoxide, and was worried and couldn't sleep. Are you OK? Yes, we're fine, she says. Good, I respond, then go back to sleep and I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye.

Sully and I relax, and head back to bed. She's going to kill me tomorrow, I think, but it's going to make a great Blog entry!


At Monday, January 30, 2006, Blogger ARC said...

That's it?!?! When I saw CSI, I thought they were going to find a body in the furnace or something.

At Monday, January 30, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always better to be safe than sorry!


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