Monday, November 28, 2005

Two Birds With One Stone

I was eating lunch today at work, and it was rare, but I forgot to bring my book with me, or my crocheting. I ALWAYS have something with me to read or do, no spare time is wasted. My Motto comes from a favorite movie Gone With the Wind in which there is a sign that says Do not Squander time...That is the stuff Life is made of. I sat there after finishing eating, I had an idea! If I took a late break in the morning, and brought a simple lunch, a half sandwich perhaps, I could easily eat it in a short break time and that would leave me an entire half hour for lunch free. Then, now that I am wireless, I could bring my laptop to work with me and set it up at lunch, and enjoy an extra half hour of game time per day!
The second thing that would be accomplished is that having half of the normal eating time to work with, it would amount to dieting without really noticing. There could be some drawbacks to this plan, keeping track of the time could be a problem as once you are engrossed in a game, hours pass like minutes, and I'm sure someone would notice that I never returned from lunch. Well, I will have to give it some thought, but it sure sounds like a good idea to me.


At Tuesday, November 29, 2005, Blogger ARC said...

Probably not the best idea. Gaming at work usually doesn't go over so well, even if it is on your own time. If I were you, I would just wait until after work.


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