Saturday, December 31, 2005

2005 An Accounting

I don't really like to make New Year resolutions. If a thing is a good idea to do, you really shouldn't have to wait until the first of a new year to start doing it, and those that do make New Year resolutions, usually don't keep them very long anyway. I prefer to start and or stop things at the time I think is right. So, this post is more a review of the past year of 2005.

I remember it starting with a fear of someone in the family whose job was in jeopardy. Our worries turned out to be unfounded, but that worry clouded the holidays somewhat last year. Then we had joyful news that there would be a new addition to the family! Little news is better than that! Our family has little by little been dwindling, and we did experience a loss this year also,but it also is growing and the new life is a welcome change.

There were many concerns about my Mother and her health and living conditions, many trials and tribulations that took months to conclude, but in the end everything worked out, which was a great relief to us all.

Hi-lights of the year, for me, were travel related. A trip to Arizona included seeing the Grand Canyon and Monument Valley and the Navajo Dinetah, a place I will never forget and hold dear to my heart. It turned out to be not quite the adventure I planned, but all the time I felt it would be an adventure, so I was not totally surprised when it did turn out that way.

The other adventure was a trip to Boston and Old Sturbridge Village. This was a wonderful experience, that exceeded my expectations! If I could travel more, I would LOVE IT! I enjoy the research, history, travel plans, hotel selection, route planning, meals, people and everything about it! This was the trip I used multiple modes of traveling, Car, Plane, Train, Boat, Subway, Bus, Trolly, and Walking, lots of Walking. It was GREAT!

There were not as many entire family gatherings as I would have liked, and I hope to improve on that this year, because we really have so much fun when we all get together. I LOVE that we spend so much time laughing when we are together. I know there are always little aggrevations that come up when a group gets together, but I think for the most part we really appreciate the time we do have together and make compromises to make the most of it!

Of course any time I get to spend with Natalie is WONDERFUL! She makes me smile the entire time, she is so funny and loving and adorable and surprising, you just laugh the whole time you are around her!

In the Fall we all anxiously awaited the birth of Gloria! And waited, and waited, and waited, until finally she arrived! I do think it was because we tried to be better prepared this time, and she just wasn't ready yet. We really are blessed to have another healthy happy baby and mother come through without complications. No matter what things life puts in our path, when you have family that you love and that love you, it gives you strength to overcome all obstacles.

Another Hi-light was the Lan party! Who would have guessed I would enjoy that so much! And thanks to my dear husband, who upgraded my computer, he made it all possible. I'm not sure thats what he intended entirely, but I am grateful none the less.

Christmas this year was the best one I can remember in a long time! Sometimes, Christmas has pushed me over the edge a little. I always have unreal expectations and try to do too much and then get stressed and usually get a cold, but this year, all went very smoothly! And no one was sick!!!! I LOVED IT! I hope everyone else did also!

I couldn't complete this year in review without mentioning the presence of someone new. This person has shared in our family experience and has gradually become part of it. He has contributed help and comfort when needed, shared generously his time and family, and has been fun and accomodating to be with.

There are some things to improve on next year. I would like to spend less and save more. Waste less and accomplish more. Be kinder and less critical. Take better care of myself. Enjoy the good times more, be thankful and take the bad times more in stride. Spend a little more time doing what I should and less doing what I like to do. Give my opinion only when it is asked for. Spend more time planning my life and let my children plan theirs. Learn more computer games. (Oh that contradicts one of the above, so I better stop.) I guess that is enough to work on already.

All in all I really enjoyed 2005. It was a very good year! I can only hope 2006 will be as good! I consider myself a fortunate person, very blessed! I have lived long and abundantly. I have loved and been loved, have children who love and have been loved, I have a daughter-in-law who I consider a daughter, and have grandchildren! I am RICH! In case you didn't think I noticed, I do!


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