Friday, December 02, 2005

Fervent Aversion to Princesses

I seem to be noticing an increased awareness of adult princesses. Unless you were born into a royal family, or believe you are a living fairytale or star wars character, there are no princesses! Yet more and more women I meet act like they are one; and they have the annoying attitude that they are entitled to be one.

Lets clarify what I am talking about. I define "princess" by the following criteria.
1. Princesses spend more money than they earn, and they expect someone else to pay the bills for them.
2. Princesses expect to always have their own way. Whatever they want they should get.
3. Princesses rarely, if ever, consider someone else's feelings.
4. There are different rules for princesses than there are for other people.
5. Princesses are not accountable for their actions.
6. Princesses should be taken care of by someone else.

I'm sure you all know women like this and while it may be cute to spoil and pamper sweet little girls, under age 5, it is very unattractive in a grown-up. It is also demeening to most women who take offense to the notion that adult women are not capable of taking care of themselves, much less others.

While the world may think princesses are helpless, I see them for what they really are; controlling, selfish, lazy people. Successful princesses can manipulate entire families who don't even realize it is happening. These are the "high maintenance" women you know. Controlling all the attention is not a sign of helplessness, but authority. They just use an indirect way of demanding it.

The result of these actions, hinder the rest of the female world. By hiding their strengths behind a mask, most men and some women actually believe women are not capable of running corporations; CEO's, making tough or life altering decisions; supreme court justices, running governments; Presidents, or directing the military; generals, or even of thinking logically. Princesses who manage to finance their expenses thru someone else, are perfectly capable of being chief financial officers, they just manage to do it in a converted way.

So to the world I say "WAKE UP"! Stop allowing these women to manipulate you and the world around them. Don't be fooled that they will struggle on their own, they found you didn't they? Maybe they will have to remove their mask of makeup, hair, clothes, cars, and pets and show themselves for what they really are; sweetly manipulative, clever, brats.
Quit hiding and come out into the open and fight like a women!


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