Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Passionate Tribute to... Hummers

Ordinarily, I do not get excited about motor vehicles.

A Hummer is the exception.

There is something Grand about a Hummer. It is more than a car, it is an Attitude!

Watching one on the road causes me to pause and sigh. There is a feeling of ownership of the road, that this car deserves one's attention and the right of way. It can go where it wants, when it wants and makes no excuses for deserving this right. It is Bold, Irreverent, Forceful, Arrogant, Proud!

It makes you feel, that to own one is a priviledge; one must be Worthy. It's not a matter of money, or the price or brand. Having the money alone does not make you deserving. You must share the love, embrace the structure, appreciate the line, encompass it's Soul, become one with the Power. Meld the machine with the mind, harness the Beast, become Audacious!

Anything less is contemptible.


At Wednesday, November 09, 2005, Blogger ARC said...

You're nuts!

At Friday, November 11, 2005, Blogger MarkIsces said...

Not nuts, I want one too. I want the next model though, the one with the Hybrid engine, 50Mpg would be a lot better than 12Mpg.

hummers are like the Quote from the movie Aladdin... "Phenominal, Grandious, Cosmic Powers...Itty-bitty gas milage."


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