Thursday, February 02, 2006

Life Imitates Art?

I often find myself pondering a situation trying to reason things out. More often than not, my mind won't rest until I reach some conclusion that lets me make sense of it. Then I can set it aside for a time and see what develops next. Either things will resolve on their own, or new information may change the situation, sometimes requiring a re-evaluation. This is the weird way my mind works. I think about things a lot.

The funny thing is that much of the time, the way I am able to reach some conclusion about a situation, is by recalling a similar situation I've seen in a movie. You know I really love good movies, and there are some I especially relate to. Maybe it has something to do with how the characters deal with their concerns that makes me so fond of them, that makes me recall them so often, that makes me apply their actions to my own.

Just today I was sorting out something, I've been thinking about it for 3 days, and couldn't let go of it. Then it came to me! George Bailey in It's a Wonderful Life! Well OK then, I don't necessarily agree with the situation, but that does explain it enough for me to understand. It isn't exactly resolved, but I can live with it for now, and see what develops.

I've decided I'd like to devote some of my blogging to movies I love and what it is about them that explains why I love them. It many cases there are lots of contributing factors, but in some it is a quite simple element. I'll try to start soon, but it would probably be best to watch them and then write the review, so it could be a while. It will depend on my mood, which determines what I watch, but I'll get there eventually. Stay Posted!


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