Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Dark Ages

I was shopping in the shoe department today and walked by a mother with her daughter. The daughter was telling the mother to stop and look at the shoes she was looking at, and saying how much she liked them. The mother's reply was, Well those are boys shoes! The girl said, Well I like them anyway! The mother said, That's too bad, those are boys shoes!

I was very upset, and took a peak at what these 2 looked like. An average looking mother and a girl with giant bows in her hair. I walked on, but some day, when I am older and gray haired, I will stop to tell people like this not to put limits on people. Isn't this what we as women have been fighting since Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony took up the battle for sufferage! Where would we be if women didn't refuse to limit themselves to what was considered their role. There would be no women doctors, lawyers, presidents, oh yeah, there isn't one of these yet.

Refusing to even consider the boys shoes is comparable to limiting this girl. I can remember when women shocked the conventional world by wearing slacks, even to church! Well, the world got over it. Doors and opportunites opened up for women, but these were won not given. We can not forget there is still a battle going on. This should be obvious when women earn only a percentage of what men earn for the same jobs. So I say, sisters, DO NOT RELAX and sit back and rest, the fight must continue or we will lose any gains we have made. You don't hear much these days of the struggle, I hope that will change and young women will regain a concern and awareness, I see far too much acceptance of letting themselves be taken care of, instead of carving their own place in the world. Maybe it starts with shoes!


At Thursday, February 16, 2006, Blogger ARC said...

You'll be happy to know that Natalie picked out some boy themed Buzz Lightyear nighttime pullups and I let her have them:)

By the way, you stilly girls have won the fight where I work. My boss is a woman, her boss is a woman, and her boss, the Senior VP, is a woman.


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