Thursday, February 09, 2006

Wardrobe Malfunction

No, not that kind.

I have fallen into a bad habit of waiting until morning to prepare my wardrobe selection for the day. Before, I would hang in my closet a few choices of slacks, sweaters, tops that had been ironed as needed and placed together into a coordinated "outfit" to choose from as the weather or my mood indicated.

Lately, due mostly to "gaming" I put off this task until morning, set my alarm 5 min. earlier and grab random selections and prepare them as needed in that 5 min. time allowance. Because it is still dark in the morning, I have discovered I made a faux pas one day. The slacks I thought I had selected were brown which I paired with a coral sweater and brown shoes which would be quite acceptable. However, when I removed my coat at work, I discovered the slacks were not the brown ones, but were a dark maroon instead. Truthfully, they looked brown when I ironed them. Well, it was too late to do anything about it at this point, and I can wear a white lab coat most of the day if I wish to, so I thought lets see if I can tell if anyone notices. I made it through to the last hour of the day thinking if anyone had noticed they didn't think too much of it as I didn't get any prolonged stares from anyone and no comments.

I decided to come clean and asked a friend what she thought of my outfit, and to her credit she hesitated and said, well...... I stopped her discomfort and told her the error in color I had made and she laughed and said, I wondered what you were thinking, you usually look so nice.We laughed and I left feeling lucky I had escaped with so little embarrassment. I vowed to be more careful in the future.

Now, today again I was making my selection at the last minute and thought I would pair khaki slacks with a navy top, perfectly safe. With this I put on navy shoes and went out the door, up the road in my car. I got to the corner 2 blocks away and stopped to look at the shoes. You see, when I find clothing I like, I often buy more than one, but in another color, so I have 2 tops, and 2 pairs of shoes the same, but different colors, in this case navy and black. So, you guessed it, I had on the black top and the navy shoes. I'll bet you were thinking I had on one of each color shoe, didn't you! Well, that did happen once too, but I realized it before I left the house.

So I turned around, changed shoes and avoided disaster for the day. Will this stop my last minute dressing? Not for a while, my new game is too much fun, but I better get better lighting, and do a check before I head out. Of course, I could get a new wardrobe for Spring... all neutral!


At Friday, February 10, 2006, Blogger ARC said...

Ah, the sacrifices we make to the gaming gods.....

At Monday, February 13, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm all for the new wardrobe... When do we shop?-AW


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